5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Classical Chinese
Is Classical Chinese still used today? Do you have to know it to speak Chinese fluently?
Is Classical Chinese still used today? Do you have to know it to speak Chinese fluently?
Are you learning Chinese? Share your story with us!
Here are some easy tricks to help you master 北京话, the Beijing dialect.
The New Middle-Aged Menace
These bookstores in Beijing should be on every book-lover's list
You may already know more Chinese words than you think!
There is no better way to learn Chinese than doing it laughing.
The long standing beauty standard has grown to absurd proportions as people try to maintain a white complexion.
Recently, a new entertainment show has been catching the attention of many Chinese viewers both at home and abroad. “Youth With You” is a reality...
Guest post: Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo], creator of Elementary Chinese, helps expats in China learn the day-to-day Chinese they need – to communicate what they want.
Guest post: Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo], creator of Elementary Chinese, helps expats in China learn the day-to-day Chinese they need – to communicate what they want.
Guest post: Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo], creator of Elementary Chinese, helps expats in China learn the day-to-day Chinese they need – to communicate what they want.